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Synch Log

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During the initial ReadyWorks implementation, processes are configured to synchronize data collected by the ETL from third party applications (Active Directory, SCCM, Altiris, ServiceNow etc.) into ReadyWorks.  The Synch Log tab provides the ability to view ReadyWorks synchronization activity between ReadyWorks and the ETL.

Available operations:

  • View the ReadyWorks synchronization log
    • Columns visible
      • Timestamp – Date the synch operation occurred
      • Synch Type – Type of the synch operation (created, deleted, updated, linked, etc.)
        • Filter by synch type
      • Asset Type – Asset type being synched
        • Filter by asset type
      • Asset Name – Name of the asset being synched
      • Notes – Additional description
      • Synch Source – Source of the synch operation (AD, SCCM, Altiris, ETL, SNOW, etc.)
  • You can also change the number of visible rows in the table, view full screen, set column visibility, export to CSV or Excel, refresh the table and search for text