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New Mapping

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From the Data Mapping page, you can create mappings.  To create:

  1. Click the New Mapping button to bring up the New Mapping dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new mapping

    1. Name – Name of the mapping (required)
    2. Mapping Type – Select type of the mapping (Data Columns, Linking Assets) (required)
  3. Click the Save & Continue button when finished to create the mapping. You will be redirected to the Edit Mapping page. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.
    1. The new mapping function is only available to users in the Administrator security group
  4. Enter the main query of the new mapping in the query window

    1. Use the editing buttons to format the query
      1. Undo – Undo the last edit
      2. Redo – Redo the last edit that was undone
      3. Block Outdent – Remove an indent from a line or block
      4. Block Indent – Set a line or block in from the margin
      5. Comment – Comment out a line or block
      6. Theme – Color theme of query (Theme1, Theme2)
    2. Click the button to add a helper query
    3. Click the name of a query to expand or minimize the query window
    4. Click the button to run the query and preview the output before saving
      1. Select the number of rows to display from the drop down (100 (default), 500, 1000, All)
    5. Click the button to bring op the Settings dialog
      1. Configure the mapping settings and then click the Close button

        1. Show Data During Execution – Choose if data is displayed in output
        2. Enable Audit – Choose if auditing (logging) is enabled or disabled
    6. Click the button to expand the query to full window mode.  Click the button to exit full window mode.
    7. Use the menu to manage queries

      1. Ignore from Execution – Ignore a query from execution
      2. Rename Query – Rename a query
      3. Insert App Filters Variable – Insert variable %[etl_app_filter__cm.program_name_xf]% to filter a query based on App Filters
        1. Example Query: SELECT * FROM readyworks_etl.cm_computerprogram cm WHERE %[etl_app_filter__cm.program_name_xf]%
      4. Move Up – Move a query up in the order
      5. Move Down – Move a query down in the order
      6. Delete Query – Delete a query
  5. View the results of the query in the Output window
  6. Enter the mapping properties in the Mapping Properties window

    1. Mapping Name – Name of the mapping (required)
    2. Mapping Type – Type of the mapping (Data Columns, Linking Assets)
    3. RW Target Table – Select ReadyWorks table that is the target of the mapping
    4. Click the Add Row button to add rows to the mapping
    5. Source Column (ETL) – Select source column of the mapping
    6. Target Column (RW) – Select target column of the mapping
    7. Conversion – Select conversion method of the mapping
      1. Boolean
      2. Checkbox
      3. Date
      4. Datetime
      5. FQDN
      6. Guid
      7. Netbios
    8. Use the menu to manage rows

      1. Move Up – Move a row up in the order
      2. Move Down – Move a row down in the order
      3. Ignore – Ignore a row
      4. Delete – Delete a row
    9. Add Row – Add new rows for additional mappings
    10. Remove All – Remove all rows
  7. Click the button to save the mapping
    NOTE:  The RW Target Table is required to save the mapping.