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New Asset Type

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From the Asset Types page, you can create new asset types.  To create:

  1. Click the New Asset Type button to bring up the New Asset Type wizard
  2. Enter the properties of the new asset type on the Asset Type Properties tab

    1. Name – Enter name of the asset type (required)
    2. Function – Choose the asset type function (asset, list)
    3. Menu Order – Choose the order of the asset type on the navigation menu. Each asset function (asset, list, status list) is ordered separately.
    4. Menu Show – Choose if the asset type will display or be hidden on the navigation menu
    5. Parent – Select the parent of the asset type
      NOTE:  The Parent gets applied and displayed on target linked assets.  If you are viewing a User (source) that is linked to three Computers (target) in different Locations (target has parent set as Location), then Computers get the Locations tagged during Source drawing.  When viewing Computer, you don’t see it because the User may not have a parent, or if you link other Computers to another Computer, those Computer links will draw with Locations. You can set Location as Parent on both User and Computer and it would draw on both relationship charts.
  3. Add data columns for the new asset type on the Data Columns tab

    1. Column Name – Enter the name of each data column. The column name translates to the field name in the database table.  Special characters are not allowed in the column name and will be removed as they are entered.  The column name of the ID and Name fields cannot be changed.
    2. Data Type – Select the type of each data column. The data type of the ID and Name fields cannot be changed.
      1. Text: Single Line – Enter a single line of text (255 characters)
      2. Text: Multiline – Enter multiple lines of text (4,096 characters)
      3. Text: Link/URL – Enter link/URL text. The URL must include http:// or https:// to be displayed as a link.
      4. Number – Enter an integer
      5. Date Only – Select a date from a calendar (2019-06-03)
      6. Date and Time – Select a date and time from a calendar (2019 06-03 17:39:00)
      7. Color – Select the hexadecimal code for a color
      8. Checkbox – Select Yes or No
      9. Select – Choose from a predefined list that cannot be changed after creation (e.g. Yes, No, Maybe)
      10. Phone Number – Enter a phone number and extension.  One, two, three and four digit extensions are supported.  An extension is not required.  One, two and three digit country codes are supported.  Country codes must be entered first and start with a plus sign.
      11. IP Address – Enter an IPv4 or IPv6 IP address
      12. Lookup – Choose from a dynamic list (asset or list asset type) that is managed by adding or removing values from the asset or list. Assets can be lookups to assets or lists.  Lists can be lookups to assets or lists as well.  Lookups are stored as properties to the asset type.  This is not to be confused with the linking of assets.
      13. Lookup Alias – Use the same lookup (with a different name) on an additional column.  Choose from a dynamic list (asset or list asset type) that is managed by adding or removing values from the asset or list. Assets can be lookup aliases to assets or lists.  Lists can be lookup aliases to assets or lists as well.  Lookup aliases are stored as properties to the asset type.  This is not to be confused with the linking of assets.
    3. Description – Enter description of the data column.  The description of the ID field cannot be changed; however, the description of the Name field can be changed from the default of Asset Name.
      The description is displayed in the tooltip when adding a new asset or list item.  In the example below, “Department Name” has been entered in the description of the Name field.  This text is what is displayed in the tooltip of the Name field in the New Department dialog.

    4. Required – Choose if the data column is required when creating or editing an asset or list item. A required field is denoted with an orange asterisk when creating or editing. The default setting is No.
    5. Visible – Choose if the field is visible to the end user. Fields can be hidden from view at any point in time.  Required fields cannot be hidden.  The default setting is Yes.
    6. Read Only – Choose if the field can be edited by the end user. A read only field is denoted with a lock and grayed out when creating or editing.  Required fields cannot be read only.  The default Setting is No.
    7. History – Choose if the field history is enabled (logged). The default Setting is On.
    8. List/Info/Other – Provides additional configuration options for a subset of the data types.
      1. Number – Decimal Places (0 to 6), the default setting is 0
      2. Select – Define the values in the list (one item per line)
      3. IP Address – Version (IPv4 or IPv6), the default is IPv4
      4. Lookup – Allow Multiple (No or Yes); the default setting is No
      5. Lookup Alias – Allow Multiple (No or Yes); the default setting is No
    9. Action – Delete a row before it is saved to the asset type
    10. Add Row – Add new rows for additional data columns
      NOTE:  Data columns will be created for Asset Links and Workflow Wave fields for assets only (not lists).
  4. Select and upload icons for the navigation menu and relationship charts for the new asset type on the Images tab

    1. Icon Class – Select a navigation menu icon for the asset type from the icon library. The full list of icons can be found on the Icon Library tab.
    2. PNG Icon – Upload a chart icon for the asset type. The icon must be in PNG format.
  5. Click the Create button when finished to create the asset type. You will be redirected back to the Asset Types page. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.