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New Analytics Report

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From the Analytics Reports page, you can create analytics reports.  To create:

  1. Click the New Report button to bring up the New Report dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new analytics report

    1. Name – Name of the analytics report (required)
    2. Description – Description of the analytics report (optional)
    3. Report Type – Type of the analytics report (Anomalous Data, Duplicate Data, Missing Data) (required)
    4. Asset Type – Source asset type for the analytics report (required)
    5. Conditional Filters – Apply conditional filters to limit data in the analytics report (required)
      1. Click the Add Conditional Filter button to add one or more conditional filters

        1. Data Column – Select the data column of the selected asset type (e.g. Migration Status)
        2. Value – Select one or more values to apply the conditional filter to the data column (e.g. Migrated, Not Migrated)
        3. Delete – Delete a conditional filter
        4. Add Conditional Filter – Add new rows for additional conditional filters
  3. Click the Create button when finished to create the analytics report. You will be redirected back to the Analytics Reports page. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.