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Asset Type Properties

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Asset Type Properties

The Asset Type Properties tab provides the ability to view and update the properties of asset types.

Available operations:

  • View and update the properties of the asset type
    • Fields available
      • Name – Name of the asset type (read only)
      • Function – Function of the asset type (asset or list) (read only)
      • Menu Order – Order of the item on the navigation menu
      • Menu Show – Whether the asset type is displayed on the navigation menu
      • Parent – Parent of the asset type to be displayed on the relationship chart
    • The view and update functions are only available to users in the Administrator security group
  • Click the Update button to save any changes to the properties
  • Click the Close button to exit the wizard

Data Columns

The Data Columns tab provides the ability to view and update the data columns of asset types.

Available operations:

  • View and update the data columns of the asset type
    • Fields available (editable unless otherwise noted)
      • Order – Change the order of the data columns. The ID and Name fields cannot be reordered.
      • Column Name – View and enter the name of the data columns. The column name of existing (saved) data columns cannot be changed.
      • Data Type – View and select the type of the data columns. The data type of existing (saved) data columns cannot be changed.
      • Description – View, edit and enter the description of the data columns. The description of the ID, Asset Links and Workflow Wave fields cannot be changed.
      • Required – View, edit and select if the field is required or not. This property cannot be changed on the ID, Name, Asset Links and Workflow Wave fields.
      • Visible – View, edit and select if the field is visible or not. This property cannot be changed on the ID, Name, Asset Links and Workflow Wave fields.
      • Read Only – View, edit and select if the field is read only or not. This property cannot be changed on the ID, Name, Asset Links and Workflow Wave fields.
      • History – View, edit and select if the field history is enabled or not. This property cannot be changed on the ID, Name, Asset Links and Workflow Wave fields.
      • Global Search – Add Text fields (e.g., Serial Number) to global Search. This property can only be changed on Text fields.
      • List/Info/Other – View and enter additional configuration options for a subset of the data types. The properties of existing (saved) data columns cannot be changed.
      • Action – Delete existing or new rows. Deleting a row will truncate the data for the row from the database when the Update button is clicked in the wizard. Deleting a row disables the Add Row button.
      • Add Row – Add new rows for additional data columns. Adding a row disables the Delete buttons.
    • The view and update functions are only available to users in the Administrator security group
  • Click the Update button to save any changes to the data columns
  • Click the Close button to exit the wizard


The Images tab provides the ability to view and update the icon images of asset types.

Available operations:

  • View and update the images of the asset type
    • Fields available
      • Icon Class – Select a navigation menu icon for the asset type from the font library. The full list of icons can be found on the Icon Library tab.
      • PNG Icon – View and upload a chart icon for the new asset type. The icon must be in PNG format.
    • The view and update functions are only available to users in the Administrator security group
  • Click the Update button to save any changes to the data columns
  • Click the Close button to exit the wizard