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New User

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From the User Accounts tab, you can create user accounts.  To create:

  1. Click the New User button to bring up the New User dialog
  2. Enter the properties of the new user account

    1. Email Address / Login ID – Email address / login ID of the ReadyWorks user account (required)
    2. First Name – First name of the user (required)
    3. Last Name – Last name of the user (required)
    4. Title – Title of the user (optional)
    5. Telephone – Telephone number of the user (optional)
    6. Password – Password of the user (required)
    7. Confirm Password – Confirm password of the user (required)
    8. Security Group – Select the security group of the user (required)
      1. Administrator – Full administrative access to create, view, edit and delete assets, import data, rationalize assets, manage users and groups, and monitor the system. Full access to all admin functions.
      2. Regular User – Regular access to create, view, edit and delete assets, run reports, and to create and run the project workflow. Regular users can also import data and rationalize assets.  No access to admin functions.
      3. Regular User (No Delete) – Regular access to create, view and edit assets, run reports, and to create and run the project workflow. Regular users can also import data and rationalize assets.  No delete privileges or access to admin functions.
      4. Read Only User – Read only access to view assets and run reports. No edit or delete privileges, or access to admin functions.
      5. Workflow User – Workflow access to view assets, run reports, update assigned tasks, add notes, and upload attachments. No edit or delete privileges or access to admin functions.
      6. Custom Security Group – Custom access to ReadyWorks.
    9. Session Timeout – Select the amount of inactivity time (in minutes) before the user is logged out (required)
    10. Functional Group – Assign the user to functional groups (optional)
    11. User Must Change Password at Next Login – Force the user to change their password at next login
  3. Click the Create button when finished to create the user account. You will be redirected back to the User Accounts tab. Click the Close button to cancel the operation.